Whether you’re stabbing a family friend, giving a car’s paintjob a more street-orientated theme or just simply opening your front door; the key is THE everyday object that never fails to find itself vital in any situation that the faecal-flinging ape known as ‘Life’ may throw at us.
However, you may want to take your phone out of your pocket and HOLD IT – because how do you carry around this cold collection of lock penetrators? Loose, like fallen coconuts from a stupid tropical tree? Of course you don’t, this isn’t amateur hour. You use a key-ring like the rest of civilised society. Fortunately though the tides are changing, society is evolving and the key-ring is now more than just a coil of stainless steel or an industrial toe-ring. It’s been promoted.
With the blossoming wonders of modern science, that rigid metal loop can now fill itself with measureless amounts of technology, making your life a stepping stone easier as you journey across the endless river of long days and gruelling hours of what is essentially: a meaningless mortality. As disturbing and enlightening as that last statement was, let’s put down the shotgun and take a tour of these new keyring gadgets and see if we can find a reason or two not to pull the trigger.
As you know, we promote saving money on the things you love and living life to the full – so we’ll link to the best prices for each of these keyrings so that you know you’ll be getting the absolute best deal!
7 Incredible Keyring Gadgets
If you’re a 9-5 kind of person, you probably have a workplace to scurry off to in the day and a home to sit in at night. I’d guess you even have a work computer and a home one. Excellent.
Or not so excellent if you need to carry some big files between them. You could pop them on a USB stick, but what if you forget it on the day that really important document needs to be submitted?
Office workers and school goers alike can rejoice at the amazing sight of the SanDisk Cruzer Dial – a flash drive that you can pop onto your keyring. With 32GB of storage, you’ll never need to worry about sending all of your important files in emails to yourself again; you’ll have more than enough space to back them up and move them between places on this nifty little device.
The dial retracts the USB, so it will never become damaged in transit. This dial can be clipped on to any keyring for full transportability.
Need to pay for some drinks but the bar’s card machine is down? Hopped into a taxi but left your wallet in the restaurant? Is your other half, or date, looking at you like you’re a complete moron?
Well it looks like it’s time to whip out your keys and shove the Cash Stash in their face. It’s your ticket to never being caught without cash again, and it’s tiny enough to sit on your keyring. Stuff a 20 in here and wherever your keys go, your cash goes with you. Better yet, it’s waterproof and made from aircraft-grade aluminium – so if you ever drop out of a plane into the sea, you can swim to shore and buy yourself a nice cold pint to get over the whole ordeal.
Are you one of those people who just can’t live without their phone? A device full of apps, cameras and so many other incredible features; for instance, can you imagine a world where no one knows what loud tinny music sounds like echoing from the rear of public transport or what a viral video is? Smartphones really have done the world a favour.
Thanks to the Veho Pebble Smartstick+, back-seat bus DJs can breathe a sigh of relief and refresh their handheld devices with this useful key-ring fitted battery. Its lipstick size fits comfortably in any pocket and provides full charges via USB to a number of handheld devices before needing a top up itself. So, you’ll never have to worry about how you’re going to use the top 5 time-saving apps we told you about without draining your phone battery again. Aren’t keyring gadgets wonderful?
So we’ve shown you the Cash Stash, and that was pretty neat, but it got us thinking; what else do you need to carry around like cash? There was only one answer. Fire.
Of course, you don’t normally want your keyring gadgets to burst into flame, but we can all make exceptions. For all those times you need to whip out a lighter – to get some candles going for the right kind of atmosphere at your date’s house, to start up a fire out camping, and even to light up your fireplace when the pilot light goes out – the Fire Stash will be there for you. Forget stuffing a lighter in your pocket and carrying that around with you when you don’t even smoke, now you can have a teeny tiny one to jiggle around with your keys.
It’s refillable with standard lighter fluid, so there’s no need to worry about when you’ll have to replace it. £6.99 is a pretty decent price too, and again, you can bag yourself some cashback to make it feel all the more like a mini-victory purchase.
There are so many times in life when you need to open a beer, file your nails, tweeze your eyebrows and do a spot of DIY all at the same time. Until now you’ve had to lug around a whole array of different gadgets to help you with all this, but watch, I’m about to change the game for you.
The KeyTool has 8 tools in 1:
- Bottle Opener
- Nail File
- Tweezers
- Eyeglass Screwdriver
- Medium Screwdriver
- Large Screwdriver
- Fingernail Cleaner
- Thread Cutter
As if this all wasn’t good enough, it doesn’t even take up a slot on your keychain. Nope, this keyring gadget fits snugly over the top of one of your existing keys, so you can buy one along with all the other things on this list and it won’t add to the bulk.
If all that has you smiling, here’s the best bit: it’s only £6.95 with, yep you guessed it, cashback on the purchase.
That band you love has just released their new album, and you are buzzing, to say the least. The first thing you want to do is share it with a friend, but you’re both on the bus and you’ve already watched as the guys playing their music at the back (and charging their phones with the Anker Astro Mini) were chucked off by a pretty disgruntled bus driver. So, it looks like you’re going to have to use headphones.
Hold that thought. I know what you’re going to say: “But headphones are only good for one person at a time! Sure, we could share an earphone each, but we bought Beats by Dre, so we’re only good for some right-ear listening.”
Oh, how could you? After all I’ve said. Not to worry, the Belkin MixIt Headphone Splitter will do all the work for you allowing your audio player to take up to five headphones at once! As for your choice in listening apparatus – I’ll forgive you once you’ve read my previous blog post on the best alternatives to Beats and come back to me to repent your ridiculous purchase.
Remembering to pack a phone cable into a bag (or stuff one into your pocket) when you rush off to work each day is a bit of a chore. But once you’re there and you need to upload that picture you took for the big meeting or give your phone some juice when it’s running low, you’re in a spot of trouble.
The Chargeloop is a clever bit of kit for your keyring; a highly durable cable that has a USB on one side and a Micro USB adaptor on the other. And don’t worry, you can bend and twist it to your heart’s content; this little baby was made for keyrings, so it won’t be snapping any time soon. The connectors are kept safe in a metal casing.
Well there you have it. Another romantic stroll around one of the many aisles of the internet to find something that may or may not make you a better person, but probably not. What did you think of the list? Let us know in the comments, or hashtag us something trendy on Twitter. Happy spamming.
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